Get in front of earnings events and see what the options market is expecting. Compare the current expected move to historical earnings moves to help decide whether to trade or fade the move.
Upcoming Earnings By Week
When it comes to weekly earnings reports, it is not enough to only look at the current week’s options earning calendar. Sure, this will provide an accurate depiction as to where things currently stand in the market, and specifically, what you have your eyes on. But looking at this week’s options earning calendar only is not a long-term strategy, as it is keeping you focused on the here and now. And as an investor, you understand that looking ahead is the only way to get ahead.
And while it’s true that predicting the future is not a luxury that we have, there are still ways to glean insights and make educated decisions for your future based on the information available to you. It is for this reason that we provide an options earnings calendar, and enable you to view earnings reports this week as well as upcoming earnings reports the following week, and the week after that, etc.
By providing an estimated earnings calendar, you can make decisions with a bit more information. Since these estimates are based on data and are forecasted trends (grounded in current and traditional behaviors), they provide some insights into actions you should consider. Whether now or down the road, looking at upcoming earnings by week puts the ball in your court, enabling you a leg up in the world of options trading.
Pay Attention
If you are unsure how the upcoming earnings by week work, then do yourself a favor and watch the upcoming earnings reports and follow along week by week. Come to understand the degree of difference you are willing to accept and make decisions based on the unfolding performance. Keeping track of the weekly earnings reports is the best way to acclimate yourself to the world of options trading, and better prepare yourself for fluctuations (both in and out of your favor).
Again, it’s not predicting the future, but merely keeping yourself open and learning from the ongoing weekly earning reports. Since each report is grounded in the current action, there is no discrepancy that can be brought up for a timely report. Looking ahead, based on the facts that you know (and also that the algorithms have laid out), you can start to understand why it is beneficial to look ahead to upcoming weekly earnings reports and apply an amount of comfortable trust into these bits of data.
After all, even financial advisors or brokers cannot predict the future. Simply put, they can merely assess the data that they have based on historical performance, and apply those trends to current developments. These educated and informed deductions lead to upcoming options earning calendars, and provide insights into likely avenues of investing.
Looking Forward, Looking Back
It should be stated that all of your guidance shouldn’t be given to upcoming earnings estimates and that your own experience (and that of a financial advisor or team) should also be considered. After all, everyone’s financial situation (from security to confidence) is unique, and therefore you should consider options and strategies that make sense for you and your situation.
Upcoming earnings calendars simply lay the groundwork for potential strategies. They simply provide the basic (estimated) outcomes, some of which could benefit you. Consider your own financial history in addition to the possible future that this data puts forward. This is the best approach for a healthy options trading strategy.
Looking ahead at estimated upcoming earnings reports is a healthy and level-setting hobby to be in, and since the information is based on historical data, you should approach it with a level of comfort.
However, the numbers put forth are not fail-safe and you should also be aware of the old saying, “dumping all your eggs into one basket.” This is not sound advice for any investment strategy, and this includes an options trading strategy based on data and estimated future numbers. Certainly, by looking at the upcoming weeks' earnings reports you can give yourself some legs to run with, but none of the numbers should be taken as gospel.
Look ahead to watch and learn, and begin to understand how certain options behave. You should also compare those particular options to each other. If one upcoming options report noted a particular increase, and then weeks later you have seen this increase come to fruition, that is something to consider when looking at the weeks ahead.
Only by watching the upcoming options earning calendar can you better prepare yourself for what is to come, both financially and mentally. Check out this week’s earnings calendar report, and then continue to look at estimated upcoming reports, and align yourself with a strategy that works for you.
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